
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Νοέμβριος, 2019

Children, the best teachers.

From the moment I became a father and hugged for the first time my daughter, I realized that this little creature was going to change my life radically. Also, the things I was focusing on begun gradually to change. I suddenly became more flexible and things and situations that in the past used to bother me stopped to do so. Now I'm fully aware that someone can learn from a child so much more than he could have ever imagined!  For me, the most impressive element of children's behavior we all should imitate is the ease with which they change their attitude. I could stay in a bad mood for a few hours or even days. Children can easily return to a good mood literally in seconds! Another lesson that I've learned from my little girl is that happiness is something incredibly easy!  Children laugh and jump like crazy without any significant reason. After this ascertainment, I come to the conclusion  that happiness is actually a choice. This is very easy to u...

Raise your vibration

Many people are talking about how to achieve things by raising their vibration. I think that there is a misunderstanding regarding this concept. Most of the people who get involved in ideas such as the idea of vibration believe that there is something magical about it. The truth is that it's just physics! For example, if your biggest desire is to build a new house it's wrong to think that the house doesn't exist at the moment, because all the material that is made of are already existing! The good you desire already exists but in some other form for the moment. That means that the only concern you need to have is how to connect the dots and bring it to your reality. You don't have to create the lifestyle of your dreams because it's already existing. You need to understand that you already possess all the power and ability you need in order to get the results you want. The secret is to raise your vibration so that you can reach the point where ...

Bob Proctor, my mentor...

Bob Proctor, my mentor... Four years ago I ''discovered'' Bob Proctor through his classic book ''You Were Born Rich''. I fell in love with his book from the very first moment I started reading it. I was excited about the unusual content of this book and soon I developed a strong desire to learn who exactly was the writer. I started searching for information about him and the material he was teaching. Veritably, I was fascinated with his teachings and all day long I was studying this so much interesting information. It was a matter of time to become literally one of his most loyal admirers. The way he teaches was very inspiring for me, and every time I was reading his books or watching his videos I was feeling his good vibes. Bob Proctor is the living example which proves that anyone could be successful in life. Himself emphasizes the fact that he is an ordinary guy whose level of education isn't the best that could hav...

Be grateful and chase your dreams.

Be grateful and chase your dreams. Dr. Wayne Dyer used to say: "Be open to anything and attached to nothing." With that being said, I would like to introduce you to a beautiful idea. An idea that could change the course of your life! I'm going to recommend you to try to do something different for the following three weeks. Dedicate an hour each day to do this mental exercise: First, relax and take a few deep inhales. Now, try to isolate in your mind what are the things you are grateful for. You have to detect at least ten things you are grateful for. Next, close your eyes and go mentally to the most desirable place you could ever have been. A place of your dreams.  Only you know how it looks like there. It 's a place where you always craved to be. All things are perfect in this place and precisely how you wished for. At the same time imagine that all of your goals and desires have been accomplished. ...

5 ways to get rid of procrastination.

5 ways to get rid of procrastination. Procrastination seems to be the number one killer of our productivity.  Procrastinators are a common kind of people that have the tendency to avoid carrying out their daily tasks. The self-image they have about themselves is someone who constantly prefers to delay to accomplish his tasks and obligations. That leads them to leave for another time tasks that should have been accomplished much earlier.  But what's the most efficient way to defeat this enemy? Here are five tips to help you overcome procrastination: 1. Start with the tasks that appear to be more difficult. The philosophy behind this particular strategy is that we get rid of the most annoying tasks first. This helps us to create a flow to continue until we finally complete all of our tasks. 2. Make a "what to do" list. This is a very effective trick that usually helps many people to overcome procrastination. The opt...

Stick to it until you get there.

• Stick to it until you get there. The title of the previous article was "focus on what you want". Today's topic is going to be on how to stay on track towards our destination whatever that is. The most effective way to keep being concentrate on our goal is by using one of our basic intellectual faculties. I'm talking about the will. This intellectual factor gives us the ability to concentrate on something. So, what we need to do is to try to strengthen up this specific intellectual faculty so that we could use it in our favor.  The easiest way to do this is simply by doing things that force us to stay focused on something. Some of them are:  • Reading. • Doing meditation. • Praying. Furthermore, you could do an exercise that is remarkably helpful:  You have to draw a small dot on the wall and then sit opposite of it and try to stay focused on it as much time as you can like it doesn't exist anything e...

Focus on what you want.

• Focus on what you want. Every day we have thousands of thoughts. Thoughts about our lives, our goals and desires.  Thoughts regarding our daily chores and responsibilities. But also thoughts about all the difficulties and challenges we may have.  Thoughts that don't propel us towards our desired destination. The most crucial mistake we very often do is that we let ourselves to hold on our minds all those undesired thoughts. Usually, we tend to have this type of thoughts on an unconscious level. Eventually, we end up thinking over and over the same disorienting thoughts that keep us away from our goals and dreams. We should reconsider this habitual process and try to change it by focusing on constructive and beneficial thoughts that lead us directly to our targets. Only then we are going to get closer to the point we really craved.  But how could we actually fulfill this attempt?  We'll see it in another ar...

The right way to set goals.

• The right way to set goals. The most significant reason we need to have goals is that they encourage us to grow as individuals.  Without setting goals, we are never going to take-off... But what is this goal that is going to help us to grow? There are three basic types of goals. a. The first type is when we set a goal to do something we've already done many times. b. The second type is when we set a goal to accomplish something we've never done in the past, but we know how to do it. c. The third and more interesting type of goal is when we don't have any idea how we are going to achieve this specific thing we decided to go after! The most beautiful things start to happen when we set the "C" type of goals.  These goals get us out of our comfort zone. For our own good, we would better eliminate the first two types of goals and focus on the third one. Only then we will be able to utilize all of the amounts of our pot...

Attitude of gratitude.

• Attitude of gratitude. Gratitude is one of the most significant "weapons" you should possess if you want to be able to adjust your attitude whenever you want to. When we feel grateful for what we already have in our lives we set ourselves in a mode that gets us to be calmer, happier and more receptive to new situations and things. If we don't appreciate what we have then how we dare to ask for more? If we don't know how to manage all we have right now, how we could possibly be able to manage all these new things we are waiting to come to our lives? Gratitude is the component we need in order to make the difference in our lives. It would be a very good idea to make gratitude a habit. The easiest way to do it is by writing down every morning ten things that we are grateful for. This exercise would help you to someday achieve a very high level of gratitude inside of you.   So, give it a try... - TOTAL PERSONAL GROWTH....

The time will pass anyway.

• The time will pass anyway. Goal setting is a process that helps us to grow. The higher we set the target the more we are going to stretch to reach the desired point and, as a result, the more we are going to grow. There is no excuse! We must set goals and keep trying to make our dreams come true. Time is frequently an excuse that keeps us away from our desires and dreams. The fact that something is going to delay prevents us from even starting to pursue it. But the truth is that time is going to pass anyway! We don't have anything to lose. We owe it to ourselves to try even if the day that dreams will be tangible isn't so close.

Nothing is impossible

• Nothing is impossible. Literally nothing! Our own existence on this planet is nearly impossible but eventually is not! Our dreams and ambitions very frequently seem impossible to come true. How possible is something has to do with the level of one of the most significant qualities. I'm talking about faith. If we believe that the dream isn't far away from reality, then so it is! If not, then even the simplest task seems impossible! Faith is the fuel that gives energy to us so that we can go forward when things go wrong. When there is enough faith the "impossible" becomes more than possible and then nothing is impossible...

You need to be persistent

• You need to be persistent Persistence is one of the most important virtues someone must possess in order to have success towards any goal he wants to achieve. The significance of this quality is so tremendous that the absence of it could lead to extremely different results. People who are persistent are more likely to have successful results in the tasks that they take over. On the other hand, the vast majority, unfortunately, isn't persistent at all, and as a result, they are drifting away from their dreams and desires. Dear friend, you have to keep going and going. Your goal is attainable and you know it could come true! The only thing you need to do is just keep going. Don't be afraid when the situation gets worst. You have to be prepared for it and keep pushing! Finally, don't forget that by having the courage to keep moving you will eventually arrive at the place where you ever have been dreaming of! - Total Perso...

Definiteness of purpose

• Definiteness of purpose. Definiteness of purpose might be the most significant quality you need to have in order to succeed. It's the first step towards your dreams. The more precise your goal is the better the chance of achieving it. Napoleon Hill dedicated a whole chapter in this remarkably important quality in his best selling book "Think and grow rich ". Definiteness of purpose empowers the vision of the final goal, while helps you maintain on track in case you might want to give up. Whatever your destination is going to be, a definite purpose would be very beneficial and helpful in order to get the outcome you desire.  A definite purpose looks like a seed. The tree that is going to grow from a specific seed is predefined. The only concern you have is to decide what kind of a tree you would like to cultivate and stick with that decision! Total personal growth.

Be Better Than You Used to Be

• You don't need to be better than anyone else. In our world, there is a certain concept that we have to be competitive in order to achieve success in our lives. This fact leads us to strive to be in a better position than the others while at the same time we tend to forget that we are not separate from the other individuals. Our level of success and happiness is attached to the exact level of success and happiness of the people who surround us, but we are not aware of that truth. Selfishness doesn't let us realize that our progress depends on society's progress. • Improvement is your own obligation  Only YOU have the ability to change yourself. No one else can do it for you. That's a very powerful weapon we all have in our arsenal but we rarely use it. We are expecting other people to help us in order to improve ourselves. We forget that the only concern we must have is to look inside of us, and try to elevate the level of o...

The Need for Growth

 THE NEED FOR GROWTH Everything in nature either grows either disintegrates. Let's take as an example an apple. While it's on the apple tree continues to grow. At the very moment that somebody is cutting it starts immediately to disintegrate. It's impossible for anyone to be aware of this process. It's a process which that takes place silently and sneakily. We have to understand that the same is happening to us, but the difference here is that just a few of us can realize it. Our daily routine tends to make hard the observation of this underground process. Growth is the only way if you want to avoid disintegration. We live in an ocean of motion, therefore if we are not moving forward the only choice we have is to move backward. According to Tony Robbins, personal growth isn't just a choice but one of the most significant human needs. Without the fulfillment of this need, every individual feels an emptiness deep inside. This emptiness leads to ma...