The Need for Growth


Everything in nature either grows either disintegrates. Let's take as an example an apple. While it's on the apple tree continues to grow. At the very moment that somebody is cutting it starts immediately to disintegrate. It's impossible for anyone to be aware of this process.
It's a process which that takes place silently and sneakily.

We have to understand that the same is happening to us, but the difference here is that just a few of us can realize it. Our daily routine tends to make hard the observation of this underground process. Growth is the only way if you want to avoid disintegration. We live in an ocean of motion, therefore if we are not moving forward the only choice we have is to move backward.

According to Tony Robbins, personal growth isn't just a choice but one of the most significant human needs. Without the fulfillment of this need, every individual feels an emptiness deep inside. This emptiness leads to many psychological problems, whose actual route is the lack of consistent personal growth. Reality is that every human being needs to grow in every area of life as much as a tree needs the water and the sunlight.

 Then, why most of us don't take our personal growth seriously? Why we tend to give to something so important just a little of our attention?

The answer is simple and even obvious. We tend to neglect our growth process because of ignorance. We don't know about the significance which personal growth must have in our lives. We consider other issues as more important. We 've been raised to believe that the most important things in life are those that afterward, the majority of us understand that they weren't as much important as we believed!    

You need to understand in depth that your duty is following the personal growth path on a daily basis! You have to overcome the state of ignorance by studying consistently. This consistency will lead you eventually to a brand new place in which knowledge will have taken the place of ignorance.


The personal growth path never ends and from the moment in which you decide to follow it, is going to lead you to a better landscape every single day for the rest of your life! 


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